Leading the Way in Bi-directional EV Charging Innovation

We’re proud to partner with the DriVe2X project, which aims to accelerate vehicle electrification through the research and development of bi-directional smart charging technologies.

Bi-Directional Electric Vehicle Charging Explained

The DriVe2X project aims to assess the benefits and opportunities arising from next-generation, bi-directional EV charger units. Five demonstration sites have been chosen across Europe, and thanks to a partnership with Future Isle of Wight, the technology is also being trialled here on the Island.

But what exactly is bi-directional charging, and how does it work?

  • Most existing EV chargers only send electricity in one direction — from the power source to the car’s battery. Bi-directional charging allows the vehicle to send energy from its battery back in the other direction.
  • This process requires the car’s DC electricity to be converted back into AC electricity so it can be passed back through the charger to be used for other purposes.
  • Running this process efficiently requires smart-charging technology to manage how and when the car receives or returns electricity.

Use Cases for Bi-Directional Charging

Vehicle to Home (V2H)

Bi-directional charging can turn your electric vehicle’s battery into a backup power source for your home. This can also allow for more efficient electricity usage and potentially save money on energy bills — especially if paired with a solar (PV) installation.

Vehicle to Grid (V2G)

This type of bi-directional charging allows electric vehicles to send the energy stored in their batteries back to the grid. This helps energy suppliers balance loads during peak usage times and could potentially offer vehicle or home owners more competitive energy tariffs or discounts.

Vehicle to Business (V2B)

The Isle of Wight’s tourist economy makes it the ideal location to learn how flexible EV charging can benefit business owners.

The main model tested by DriVe2X is short-term parking at accommodation facilities. Businesses can optimise electricity spending while EV owners are compensated for allowing access to their parked vehicle’s battery.

Are You Interested in Participating in DriVe2X?

Future Isle of Wight is keen to hear from business owners who’d like to trial bi-directional electric vehicle charging points.